So much to do throughout the day at Sea Aquarium Park that it can be helpful if you can plan a bit in advance what you would like to see. See the daily program of Sea Aquarium Park Curacao here.

Dolphin Kiss
Not mentioned in the schedule but great fun to do: a Dolphin Kiss. You may then sit at the edge of the natural lagoon and a dolphin will come and give you a kiss. Of course, a nice photo will be taken of this.
You can get such a nice kiss from a dolphin for as little as US$ 15, but this cannot be booked in advance. You can arrange this during or just after the Dolphin Training Demonstration. Which is every day at 10:20, 13:20 and 16:10. Following that demonstration, you can get the Dolphin Kiss.

Sea Aquarium Park admission
Don’t have a ticket to Sea Aquarium Park yet? You can fit it with us quickly and easy. Note that if you have booked a Dolphin Swim, Dolphin Encounter or Dolphin Snorkel, it already includes admission to the park for the whole day.

Dolphin Swim
CuraƧao’s most popular excursion: swimming with dolphins! In groups up to 6 people, you will be in the water with 2 dolphins for half an hour. You can do fun tricks with the dolphins, or you can have a relaxing swim around right next to the dolphin.
If you book any of the above Dolphin activities, it includes all-day admission to Sea Aquarium Park, regardless the time you are scheduled for the dolphin activity.
Directions to Dolphin Academy
The Dolphin Academy, located at Sea Aquarium Park may be a bit difficult to find. The address is Bapor Kibra z/n, where “z/n” stands for “without a number. And then when you know that Bapor Kibra is quite a long street plus Sea Aquarium Park is not visible from the road, things can get tricky. Please read the description:
1- Drive to the large parking lot of Mambo Beach Boulevard
2- When you enter the parking lot, go as far as possible to the left to park your car
3- When you get out and your back is to the road (facing the beach), walk through a gate in the front left corner
4- You are now walking in front of LionsDive Beach Resort. Keep following the road around the resort
5- You automatically walk across the flat bridge with the thick chains on the side. In front of you, you see the entrance to Sea Aquarium Park.
Note: You will also see a parking lot across from LionsDive. Closer, but that’s paid parking.
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